“Curator’s dream/nightmare 1” is a paper origami made out of a 21 by 21 centimeter white square piece of paper. The presented design is a crane bird, and was made based on an old Japanese design named “Orizuru 折鶴“. The presented piece has once been performed by the artist, and then unfolded and sent by post to the curator*. The curator then performs the origami again following a guide and then installs the work at the place. This piece is available in 1000 copies*.
It is presumed that the work will be presented in various locations, by various curators. A well-known Japanese legend describes that if a person makes one thousand crane origami birds, she/he will reach her/his heart’s desire. This work has been exhibited during 3-12 September 2013, in “Momayez” Gallery of “Iranian Art Forum”, by the exhibition title “Exhibition of works by graduates in sculpture from University of Arts, Tehran”, curated by Kourosh Golnari. So the installation has been made by him.
photo by Golnaz Moghadam
photo by Golnaz Moghadam